The Post Page

Welcome to the POST page, also known as HOME. Posts are added sporadically, with little rhyme or reason, more or less falling into the listed categories. Because some posts are far longer than recommended (& Yours Crudely has not figured out how to condense posts with “Read More” option), clicking in the “Category” menu can help keep from Bog Downs & Blog Swamps, especially in seasons with many compelling current events.

Besides the Most Recent, Yours Crudely especially recommends the newly added (& reader nominated) Best of Class categoryPosts called forth by current events tend to go quickly out of date. Others never had a real date to begin with, e.g., just play, for the fun of it, serious jazz, crazy jazz, for the sport of i, for example. Whether adding to the public babble, exploring issues that never go out of style, or sharing personal history for the record, these little pieces cover varied territory, irregular ground, unevenly.

If you aren’t having enough fun, insight, aha!’s & eureka! moments to make the attention worth the while, simply skip’n scroll along to another topic, post, postit, or category to find one that does–Or click your heels over to one of the topic/ period pages listed in header for more substantive treatments of historical issues.

Given the avalanche of posts triggered by the hyperactive political atmosphere, feel free to scroll way down, clicking “older posts” for more varied topics & treatments. Not yet having figured out how to get automatic condensing of posts with “read more” buttons, I’ve moved the main body of many no longer current Current Events & Issues” posts (e.g., relating to politics) to a single “Year of the Fluke” pdf. (clickable file), up more or less soon). Let us know (c/o ) if there are any you’d like to read not yet up in the meanwhile.

Pick your poison, where & when.
Come back soon & try again.
Read a post & leave a note–
skim to find what floats your boat.

MANDATES, Penalties &…;
Avoidable Healthcare Act;
Telling it like it ain’t…
WAHOO–Chief of the Logos!
Morons of the World, Arise!

Varied Posts especially recommended–just click on “Best of Class” under the CATEGORIES Menu
, for
 “Alice, the little girl…” & “Inverse, the von Neumann dog.”
Others of possible interest include (with personal star-ratings):

***Alice–the little girl at 150
Best of Class, history & the arts, back stories, images, reflections….
*”Ghost Story: My Short WHRB Life
personal history, in honor of WHRB’s 75th Anniversary Reunion, Oct. 2-4, 2015.
*”Peace Corps–India 37–a personal account”
personal history, with “Sixties” tie-ins, the volunteer spirit in retrospect, dancing with the unexpected, in honor of India 37 Reunion (with response to radio interview, “Talking Out Loud,” Columbia, MO, Sept. 2015).
(Rare) COMMON SENSE–#1: Terrorism, a clearer view
current issues, timeless principles, the nature of the beast.
*”Religious liberty–what it is, why it matters”
current issues, timeless principles, “Give us liberty or give us death to the infidel, unbeliever, heretic, nonconformist, critic, shlub.
“Rooting for the Redskins & Indians: The Logos (Inner Logic) of Sports Logos,”
timeless principles, personal experience, once an Indian, always an Indian, a tip of the hat to the various sides. [Probably out of date after Chief Wahoo.]
“MAP of the HA History Annex & Complex”
meta-menu, on the site’s different pages & networked wings & annexes.
“Democracy, Nationhood, Empire…”/ “Diversity & Japanese Aesthetics”
history & arts, some thoughts set in motion by EdX course on Japanese graphics.
***”Inverse von Neumann–‘Don’t forget your dog.’
Best of Class, history of the joke, “That’s not my dog!”