History, Archives & Posts

Welcome to www.bodlibrary.org, Bod Library-On-Line
with ROOMS (i.e., ‘Pages’) clickable to via header (above);
& most recent POSTS reached by scrolling down from here or via “category links” in right margin.

While here is called the Home Room, being where guests land first, it has two functions: 1) to orient & re-direct visitors; 2) to serve as a repository for all Posts, as described in the post immediately below (“The Post Page”). Please note that most of the posts on this site may be considered products of their times–out of date, in other words. They do not necessarily represent the views of this entity, website management or even the post-dated author–who may have moved on from prior perspectives while continuing to ponder. The posts may be considered vehicles for pondering.

Yours Crudely believes the content of titled pages should have more staying power, however, given the qualities of subject & focus, including on-going returns for review & revision.

[RE other Bod-Library sites: Our site for Basho’s Backcountry Ways–& Beyond is en route to a new & better Basho Wing, in progress, slowly. Our Forked Annex for Humor & Media has two sites open, with splotchy materials not yet worth recommending, thanks to PIPA, the Peninsula Independent Press Association, our bottomless source of splotchy content & smudge-free reflections, from PIPA headquarters in the Mirror-Times-Mirror Building. Though Bod Library proudly serves as a humble Repository of PIPA-Dumped Materials (including Encyclopedia Moronica), we cannot recommend the world represented or its ridiculous contents, except under the direction of a certified Do-It-Yourself Laugh Therapist well-schooled as a Senseless Wilderness Guide.

We do have a half dozen or so branch sites we can in good faith recommend, assuming some redeeming value. We’ll put links to them up ASAP. But enough for today. –Yours Crudely, website manager (& keyboard composer).]

The Post Page

Welcome to the POST page, also known as HOME. Posts are added sporadically, with little rhyme or reason, more or less falling into the listed categories. Because some posts are far longer than recommended (& Yours Crudely has not figured out how to condense posts with “Read More” option), clicking in the “Category” menu can help keep from Bog Downs & Blog Swamps, especially in seasons with many compelling current events.

Besides the Most Recent, Yours Crudely especially recommends the newly added (& reader nominated) Best of Class categoryPosts called forth by current events tend to go quickly out of date. Others never had a real date to begin with, e.g., just play, for the fun of it, serious jazz, crazy jazz, for the sport of i, for example. Whether adding to the public babble, exploring issues that never go out of style, or sharing personal history for the record, these little pieces cover varied territory, irregular ground, unevenly.

If you aren’t having enough fun, insight, aha!’s & eureka! moments to make the attention worth the while, simply skip’n scroll along to another topic, post, postit, or category to find one that does–Or click your heels over to one of the topic/ period pages listed in header for more substantive treatments of historical issues.

Given the avalanche of posts triggered by the hyperactive political atmosphere, feel free to scroll way down, clicking “older posts” for more varied topics & treatments. Not yet having figured out how to get automatic condensing of posts with “read more” buttons, I’ve moved the main body of many no longer current Current Events & Issues” posts (e.g., relating to politics) to a single “Year of the Fluke” pdf. (clickable file), up more or less soon). Let us know (c/o BodLibrary2017@gmail.com ) if there are any you’d like to read not yet up in the meanwhile.

Pick your poison, where & when.
Come back soon & try again.
Read a post & leave a note–
skim to find what floats your boat.

MANDATES, Penalties &…;
Avoidable Healthcare Act;
Telling it like it ain’t…
WAHOO–Chief of the Logos!
Morons of the World, Arise!

Varied Posts especially recommended–just click on “Best of Class” under the CATEGORIES Menu
, for
 “Alice, the little girl…” & “Inverse, the von Neumann dog.”
Others of possible interest include (with personal star-ratings):

***Alice–the little girl at 150
Best of Class, history & the arts, back stories, images, reflections….
*”Ghost Story: My Short WHRB Life
personal history, in honor of WHRB’s 75th Anniversary Reunion, Oct. 2-4, 2015.
*”Peace Corps–India 37–a personal account”
personal history, with “Sixties” tie-ins, the volunteer spirit in retrospect, dancing with the unexpected, in honor of India 37 Reunion (with response to radio interview, “Talking Out Loud,” Columbia, MO, Sept. 2015).
(Rare) COMMON SENSE–#1: Terrorism, a clearer view
current issues, timeless principles, the nature of the beast.
*”Religious liberty–what it is, why it matters”
current issues, timeless principles, “Give us liberty or give us death to the infidel, unbeliever, heretic, nonconformist, critic, shlub.
“Rooting for the Redskins & Indians: The Logos (Inner Logic) of Sports Logos,”
timeless principles, personal experience, once an Indian, always an Indian, a tip of the hat to the various sides. [Probably out of date after Chief Wahoo.]
“MAP of the HA History Annex & Complex”
meta-menu, on the site’s different pages & networked wings & annexes.
“Democracy, Nationhood, Empire…”/ “Diversity & Japanese Aesthetics”
history & arts, some thoughts set in motion by EdX course on Japanese graphics.
***”Inverse von Neumann–‘Don’t forget your dog.’
Best of Class, history of the joke, “That’s not my dog!”

MAP OF THE HA History Annex & Complex Links

Welcome to www.bodlibrary.org, the Bod Library’s HISTORY ANNEX.

MAP of the HA: Pages are like rooms entered by clicking, then moved around in by scrolling, clicking again to open files. You are HERE NOW, the HA’s Home Page a room for all Posts, individually accessible either by going backwards in chronology (scrolling down the page), by search, or by category. This is a Menu post, for example; other categories (which may change from time to time) are Current Issues & Events, Just Play, Serious Play (sports & games), Crazy Jazz, etc. If you put “log in” in the search box on this page & click search, beginning of each Post comes up in short form, letting you choose which to “continue reading.” (You can also search for something particular, & ask by email or comment box if you don’t find it.)

All Bod Library “posts” are found on this page, though the HA History Annex also has other Pages dedicated to particular interest areas, where you can find more About the Bod (& about this site in particular); on the nature of history, time & mind; the Sixties; the 1950s; history as presence (e.g., place & artifact); the Chautauqua; & other topics.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bod Library Complex:
From the HA/ History Annex, you can also click links to reach Bod Library-On-Line’s networked sites, wings & other annexes, e.g.,

www.bodlibrary.com features Aldo’s Eco Zone (ecological reflections), Seeds of Thought, Poetry/Music, Gifts from everywhere, & Art-Bird Galleries (with photographic & birdwalk links). 

www.bodlibrary.info hosts our Basho Wing, featuring Basho’s Backcountry Ways–& Beyond, with Trail Companion Guide, Joys of Translation, etc..

www.bodlibrary.net will house our Inverse Von Neumann Wing for Games, Game Theory,  Market dynamics & modeling, educational supplies & applications.

www.mirror-times-mirror.net is the new home of the Peninsula Independent Press Association’s Random Excerpt & Deletion Repository, the Mirror Times Mirror Building, the Pinhead Dictionary Encyclopedia Atlas Directory, etc.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~To sum up, from here you can:

a) scroll down to whatever posts are on this page (most recent on top);

b) click in a post-category list to reach posts of a type (Menu; Serious Jazz; Just Play…);

c) click menu or header itemsto reach other bodlibrary.org pages;

d) click www.bodlibrary.com to reach rooms for poetry/music, ecological reflections, more on the bod; etc.

e) click www.bodlibrary.info to reach the brand new Basho Wing world dedicated to in-depth exploration of Basho’s Backcountry Ways, with new translation of his great journey-book, the oku-no-hosomichi, our Trail Companion Guide, in-depth essays on the joys of translation, key terms & concepts, the work’s “inner aspects,” etc..

f) click www.bodlibrary.net to reach the Dang Ling Inland Peninisula…

g) clickwww.bodlibrary.net to reach the Game & Market Wing….

h) click www.birdwalkwaikiki.com to reach the beach….
NOTE: All posts are open for reading (& comments). A few pages require passwords, however, to protect unwary travelers from incomplete or unchecked material, drafts under construction, &/or bottomless stinkholes. If you find a locked room you’d like to visit, email us your interest c/o yourscrudelyATgmail.com {changing AT to the usual @ symbol} so we can send necessary warnings & disclaimers with password, &/or clean up hazards.
~~~~~~~~~”We must become the change we want to see.” –Mahatma Gandhi



PLEASE NOTE:  If you’re looking for the main Bod Library site, click  www.bodlibrary.com for pages dedicated to poetry, translation, ecological essay, historical reflection, & adventures in understanding, as well as pages about the Bod (website plans & special collections) & for photos-images-&-hyperlinks. (There are also a few broom closets & playpens-in-progress, pun-filled files currently password closed to the unpunished).

This site (www.bodlibrary.org), on the other hand, is just getting started, defining itself by posts & pages as they develop. Originally this was just going to be a place to experiment with website themes, techniques, & add-ons, closed to everyone but Bod Library staff &/or web-advisors. For Bod Library staffers like “Yours Crudely,” however, most writing involves experimenting with themes, techniques, & add-ons–to which re-writing also adds subtractions, deletions, replacements & condensations. Why should site-writing be different, or less open & accessible to discriminating visitors?

So far, there are pages on this site for Home, which contains both site info & assorted “Posts” (whose post-dates may often be disregarded); Other Home, with more on the sites & their pages; Hai! (Basho for All Seasons), new verses & assorted images in the simple-minded old way; HOHyperlink Orifice, home office repository for publications from the Bodangle Peninsula, with its OY (Out Yonder) drop-down to the failed learning experiment cabinet, the further out files & the Outside Inn canceled reservation desk.

For better & worse, writing goes up more or less constantly, daily weekly, spasmodically, whenever, along with frequent (if spotty) re-writing, some of which may at least in theory potentially turn worse to better, groan to guffaw, wordy murk to clear reflection, interminably tangled sentences to sharply drawn portraits of both opaque & transparent worlds.

So far, we’ve been experimenting with “POSTS & PAGES,” the two formats found on this site, as discussed in the “INTRO Post,” below. Both formats are open to “Serious Jazz” & “Just Play” for the benefit &/or fun of any who might stumble upon them. The former tend to be more or less unplanned, unexpected, & unsystematic, though in some sense intentional, meant to clarify, draw forth, enlighten. The latter were never intended to be more than the play we disappear into for life-saving therapy, however temporary.

[Preface & Intro aside, the only “Serious Jazz” posted so far is about Aurobindo (on his birthday, Aug. 15) a couple posts below, scrolling down. Others so far are more or less in the Unserious, Non-serious &/or Anti-serious categories, or, like this, in the meta-menu category. Some posts have been (or may soon be) moved out of the browser’s way into pages, leaving only remnants, if anything. Otherwise, what you find is what you get, transitory bits & pieces of whatever happened to get caught in the maker’s net or emerged from the process of becoming–serious, just play, or some weaving of both.]

play’s the thing…

For actor, dramatist, musician, artist, poet, comedian, shortstop, point guard, the play’s the thing, without which it ain’t got that swing, that whatever-it-is, that je ne sais quoi. (“It’s the play, dummy.”) The same goes for chess, poker, & bridge, as for tennis, pool & sax, leaving personal selves behind in the focused playing. The player emerges out of that attention even as autobiographical boundaries disappear, replaced by the cosmic &/or frivolous play of creation.

Initially, I imagined a website for making prior work accessible–writing, albums, teaching–, some very prior, some pretty much lifelong (the deadline for which thus gets close). Despite many well-intentioned vows to finish these, however, the lure of fresh play continues to lead most days, on & off the website. Though I sometimes log on to add a specific piece, like a freshly published “Seeds of Thought” on the Aldo Zone page (at www.bodlibrary.com), more often these days the writing happens on the site itself, on the fly. (Refreshing in real time now, you’d see this page changed each time Yours Crudely clicks the “update” button. Otherwise, you’re either not operating in real time or are on a different page. Try again later &/or more pages.)

Even writing on writing, serious as that sounds, becomes just part of the play the outside-world person disappears into going to work. Maybe that’s why there’s little biography on either bodlibrary site, at least so far. The biographical person has left the building once the play has started. Still, we also like to know about the players we disappear with into the shared world of that play–whether baseball, dance, drama, piano, ukulele, poetry or comedy.

Even athletic & artistic activities that require leaving the “biographical person” behind, require us to give full attention to the field of play & take on the personality of the assigned roles, nevertheless draw from personal experience & express individual style. The more fully given, the more fully absorbed into the game or artistic process, the more characteristically individual the style that emerges tends to be. The “voice” comes forth with its own timbre, rhythm, and resonance, as well as its own concerns.

At an earlier period, the site would have been Land of Enchantment Poetry Theater, describing current programs, tour dates, chapbooks, cards & albums, with plenty of photos, biographical materials, blurbs, even a store. Before that it would have been Land of Enchantment Game Company, with game-forms & related courses. And before that, a site for the study of Asian sages & ways. None of these ever left, but keep on cycling & weaving together–poetry, play, philosophy, strands in the creator’s loom.

It may be that each strand involves personal, social & essentially transcendent selves–from awareness to expression, & back again. The would-be honest writer may have no idea where the work comes from, let alone where the next sentence will go or what it will say. (If we knew, we’d already have written it.) Part of the excitement, including the sense of suspense, is finding out.

Not that that necessarily works out for the best. As Snoopy once wrote, “Good writing is hard work.” Or maybe hard play, where hard is good, & effort is part of the fun. The proof is in the pudding, disguised as a lump of butterscotch. Eating one’s own pudding sometimes means reading over, in which case “better writing” is still possible, sometimes much better, with or without lumps.

A downside of this approach is that some indigestible bits, bowls, buckets & vats may temporarily remain more or less randomly distributed among the delicacies, in need of a good re-reading & a better re-writing, at least where readers of fine taste are involved. On the other hand, readers of fine taste may be in the wrong place, if not the wrong world. And which world would that be?

We are immediately faced with at least two candidates–& where two are, one & three are probably nearby. In the Bod Library are many rooms & at least two wings, as well as tails & feathers, attics & basements, crawl spaces & fall-throughs, ladders & leap-offs, closets & parking spaces, sheds, garages & car-ports, as well as two hemispheres, websites & psycho-geographies.

Just as the physical Bod Library is housed in three main buildings, the virtual Bodlibrary has three different addresses– www.bodlibrary.com, www.bodlibrary.org & a site to be named later, each with its own content, although some spillover, exchange & liked cross-filing. For the most part, the dot com site is closer to the main stream, like a ground floor on street level, faced by the world as it passes.

The dot org site, by contrast, houses worlds (above, below, behind or far within) that are more personal, like daily living quarters; more inherently private, like sacred texts & mystery rites; more peripheral, like far-out studies; &/or more archival, like the frequently changing Random Periodical & Excerpt Collection accessed via the HO, Hyperlink Orifice, page, now the only known Official Depositary of the Bodangle Peninsula Independent Press Association accessible without a prescription.

A wall or two of the physical library houses work by writers with whom I’ve personally crossed paths in this life, including a few shelves for writers I hung with, followed, &/or played with, and a few more shelves for writers I was in this life, and a few more for ones I feel like I was, so deeply their spirits resonated, or even might have been, for all we know of such things, in other lives. It seems not even Harry Houdini, the escape artist & fraud-debunker, was able to establish communication with this world after death.

If you’re reading this long enough after Yours Crudely’s passing on, however, you might theoretically have written this. Or with a  slight shift in perspective, the same muse might be whispering the same tunes to us both. Who am I, then, who writes these words, you may ask, as I do from time to time (rarely getting a decent answer)? I am the one who disappears here, at least for now, appearing on whatever page comes up next.

Intro to Posts & Pages

Posts, Pages, Post-Holes, & Postits

A post may be something that stands in a post-hole to hold up a fence; something mailed; or something put up before or after the fact, as in post-dating, post-graduating, & post-modernizing, on the one hand. On the other hand, there are also post-roads, post-toads & post offices, as well as whatever’s posted on bulletin & poster boards–now anywhere a virtual postit may be stuck. Here’s a pair of virtual postettes (little posts).

LNF on Postits: Sigmoid Floyd was the first psychiatrist to use sticky notes as a core part of his self-analysis, an approach dubbed “Couch Potato & Ceiling Posts.” The story is told in “Don’t just lie there–get help!” an unauthorized account of Sigmoid’s “ASAP approach to Anal Self-Analysis Postititis” (from Doppleganger & Associates).

LKF on LNFs: LKF stands for “Little Known Factoid.” Entymologists differ on where the version with N came from, whether Borges’ phonetic spelling or Apple’s Siri-phonics, Noted, or Nippled. Whether Little Noted Factoids or Little Nippled Facts, these virtual postettes have no connection with the brand & patent factory 3M3 [cubed]. [Think “Mummy-My-Mummy.”]

LNF on Postit-holesLNFs are only on “Postits” when scanning notes on the actual product, as trademarked. Para-legal eagles tell us that, though we cannot “produce Postits [superscript TM info],” we can “reproduce our own images of actual postits-in- use, so long as they are clearly repostits offered for their value-added content.”

Apparently, a PAGE is something else again, not counting congressional pages, pager pages, or passenger pages in airports. (“Please report to Terminal Security.”) We’re still getting all these straight, moving some “posts” to  “pages,” accordingly–at least their content. Pages at least stay put except when deliberately moved, whereas Posts continually drop lower if & when while newer ones are written on top. Not that the posts themselves are movable, just their content, as older ones may be newly edited, added to & subtracted from later. Content can be shifted, in other words, though the  “post-hole” itself stays in its original date-based sequence. The date then refers only to the first writing in that space, not of new &/or re-writings inserted later.


This whole Post was originally written later, then moved earlier later still, to keep it from getting in the way of the more serious jazz best shared first, before the scrambling…


PLEASE NOTE:  Those looking for the genuine Bod Library site should click to  www.bodlibrary.com asap….Otherwise, you may see what the Other Home here has to say; check the more personal haikai conversations of Hai!, or browse the HO for “all the nose that fits, & some that doesn’t,” news straight from the Bodangle (“the crookedest peninsula ever discovered,” –The Horse’s Mouth).   


[All prior content of this post have been moved to the National Undisclosed Location Center to make room for this Intro to Posts & Pages, Post-Holes & Postits.]